Kopenhagen Fur - digitizes the workflow of Danish mink farmers
The digitization of Danish mink farms is initiated…
Digitization means that previous manual registrations on paper will be replaced with digital registrations via mobile apps, allowing the registration results to be displayed quickly and easily in beautiful, visual graphs. It's a fantastic management tool by which the breeder can quickly get an overview and, not least, have the opportunity to compare the result with others, tells Henrik Bækgaard, consulting manager at Kopenhagen Fur.
Today, the solution consists of a number of apps for data collection at the mink farms, where the focus primarily has been Farm Management, animal welfare, and health, as well as legal registrations. It has been important for us to get a "tool" that works on the specific mobile device that the mink farmer may want to use in 'the field', to ensure rapid implementation, familiarization, and satisfaction.
We have chosen the solution from ePrint ApS because we can efficiently maintain and distribute apps directly to our breeders. It has also been a requirement that the solution is functional both online and offline, as some mink farms not necessarily have good mobile coverage, tells Mikael Kragh, IT manager at Kopenhagen Fur. It has also been important for us that data are stored in a central environment (BI), which enables reporting at relevant levels for the individual mink farm and the mink farms between.
We have chosen to call the solution FurApps and have thus had the opportunity to create a white label solution that fits our needs.