It is with great pleasure that we can announce that Morsø Minksystem per December 31, 2018, has been transferred to ePrint ApS.
At the request of many breeders, we have jointly come up with a solution whereby Morsø Minksystem transfers to ePrint ApS and can thus continue to be used for the upcoming breeding season 2019.
Morsø Minksystem has existed since 1983 and is today used by a number of breeders both inland and abroad as an important tool in animal breeding work. It has therefore been a great wish from both parties to find a solution where the Danish mink breeders, in particular, are not forced into a decision to convert to FurFarm or anything else…
Currently, there are no options to convert data from Morsø Minksystem to FurFarm, and we have therefore considered that the best solution would be to let Morsø Minksystem continue so that important breeding work will not be lost ...
In other words, it will 'give some peace of mind' and give us the opportunity to jointly explore future possibilities ...
In this context, we can also mention that a new version of FurFarm will be released in 2019, which hopefully opens up some new opportunities…
We look forward to good and constructive cooperation…
Together we will do our best to ensure that the transition from Morsø Minkindustri ApS to ePrint ApS will be as smooth as possible…
Kind regards from 2 x Jesper
Jesper L. Kristensen Jesper Gravesen